1. Standardization: ERC-20 stands for “Ethereum Request for Comments 20.” It’s a set of rules and functions that developers must follow when creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Standardization ensures compatibility and interoperability between different tokens and Ethereum-based applications.
  2. Token Creation: ERC-20 defines the blueprint for creating fungible tokens. Fungible tokens are identical and interchangeable, meaning one token is equal in value to another. This standard allows developers to issue tokens with consistent behaviors, making them easier to use and integrate into various platforms.
  3. Basic Functions: ERC-20 specifies six mandatory functions that token contracts must implement:
    • totalSupply(): Returns the total supply of tokens.
    • balanceOf(address): Returns the token balance of a specific address.
    • transfer(address, uint256): Transfers tokens from the sender’s address to the specified recipient.
    • transferFrom(address, address, uint256): Transfers tokens on behalf of another address (after approval).
    • approve(address, uint256): Approves another address to spend tokens on behalf of the sender.
    • allowance(address, address): Returns the amount of tokens an approved spender can withdraw from a specific address.
  4. Interoperability: ERC-20 tokens are interoperable, meaning they can seamlessly interact with various wallets, exchanges, and decentralized applications that support the standard. This interoperability fosters a vibrant ecosystem of token-based projects and services.
  5. Widespread Adoption: ERC-20 has gained widespread adoption within the Ethereum community. Many tokens issued through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and token sales follow the ERC-20 standard. Additionally, numerous decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and wallets support ERC-20 tokens, contributing to their liquidity and usability.
  6. Utility Tokens: ERC-20 tokens are commonly used as utility tokens within decentralized applications (DApps). These tokens may represent ownership rights, access to services, voting power, or other functionalities within a DApp ecosystem.
  1. Cryptocurrency Trading: ERC-20 tokens serve as the backbone of many cryptocurrency exchanges. They are traded against other tokens or cryptocurrencies, providing liquidity and enabling users to speculate or invest in various projects.
  2. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): ERC-20 tokens are commonly used for fundraising purposes through ICOs. Projects issue ERC-20 tokens as a means to raise capital from investors in exchange for their native tokens or tokens representing a share of the project.
  3. Utility Tokens: ERC-20 tokens often function as utility tokens within decentralized applications (DApps). These tokens provide access to platform services, voting rights, governance mechanisms, or incentives for users and contributors.
  4. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): ERC-20 tokens play a pivotal role in the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. They are used as collateral for lending and borrowing, liquidity provision in decentralized exchanges (DEXs), yield farming, and various other financial services and protocols.
  5. Tokenization of Assets: ERC-20 tokens are utilized to tokenize real-world assets such as real estate, commodities, and company shares. This tokenization enables fractional ownership, increased liquidity, and streamlined transferability of traditionally illiquid assets.
  6. In-Game Currencies: Game developers integrate ERC-20 tokens as in-game currencies within blockchain-based games. Players earn, spend, or trade these tokens for virtual goods, items, or services, fostering economies within gaming ecosystems.
  7. Reward Programs and Loyalty Points: Businesses leverage ERC-20 tokens to create reward programs or loyalty points for customers. These tokens can be earned through purchases or engagement with the brand and redeemed for discounts, products, or exclusive perks.
  8. Cross-Border Payments: ERC-20 tokens facilitate cross-border payments and remittances by offering a faster, more cost-effective, and transparent alternative to traditional banking systems. Users can transfer tokens globally without the need for intermediaries.
  9. Charitable Donations: Non-profit organizations utilize ERC-20 tokens to receive donations and track the allocation of funds transparently on the blockchain. Donors can contribute directly to specific causes and monitor the impact of their donations in real-time.
  10. Supply Chain Management: ERC-20 tokens are applied to enhance transparency and traceability in supply chains. Each token can represent a unique product or batch, enabling stakeholders to track the movement, authenticity, and history of goods throughout the supply chain.
  1. Interoperability: ERC-20 tokens adhere to a common set of rules and standards, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across different platforms, wallets, and decentralized applications (DApps). This interoperability facilitates seamless integration and exchange of tokens within the Ethereum ecosystem.
  2. Ease of Development: ERC-20 provides a standardized framework for token creation, making it easier for developers to create and deploy tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. By following the ERC-20 standard, developers can leverage existing tools, libraries, and infrastructure, reducing development time and costs.
  3. Widespread Adoption: ERC-20 tokens have gained widespread adoption within the cryptocurrency community and beyond. Many projects, including ICOs, decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, gaming platforms, and decentralized applications, issue ERC-20 tokens to raise funds, incentivize users, and facilitate transactions.
  4. Liquidity: ERC-20 tokens benefit from a vibrant and liquid market, with many tokens listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges and decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This liquidity enhances token tradability and market efficiency, allowing users to easily buy, sell, and exchange tokens.
  5. Fractional Ownership: ERC-20 tokens can be divided into smaller units, enabling fractional ownership of assets. This feature allows investors to purchase and trade fractions of tokens, making investments more accessible and inclusive.
  6. Transparency: ERC-20 tokens are transparent and auditable on the Ethereum blockchain. Token holders can verify token balances, transaction histories, and smart contract code on the blockchain, providing greater transparency and security.
  7. Decentralization: ERC-20 tokens are decentralized and secured by the Ethereum blockchain, eliminating the need for centralized intermediaries or trusted third parties. This decentralization ensures censorship resistance, immutability, and trustlessness, enabling true ownership and control of assets.
  8. Global Accessibility: ERC-20 tokens enable global access to financial services and investment opportunities. Anyone with an internet connection can create, send, receive, and trade tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, promoting financial inclusion and empowerment.
  9. Innovation: ERC-20 tokens have fostered innovation within the blockchain space, enabling the creation of new financial products, decentralized applications, and tokenized assets. Developers continuously explore novel use cases and functionalities for ERC-20 tokens, driving innovation and evolution within the ecosystem.

ERC-20 works by defining a standard set of rules and functions that Ethereum tokens must adhere to in order to be compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem.

Here’s how ERC-20 works:

  1. Smart Contract Creation: Developers create a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that implements the ERC-20 standard. This smart contract serves as the foundation for the token and contains the logic for token creation, management, and transfer.
  2. Token Attributes: The smart contract defines attributes such as the token name, symbol, decimal places, and total supply. These attributes provide essential information about the token and enable it to be displayed accurately in wallets and exchanges.
  3. Basic Functions: The ERC-20 standard specifies six mandatory functions that the token smart contract must implement:
    • totalSupply(): Returns the total supply of tokens.
    • balanceOf(address): Returns the token balance of a specific Ethereum address.
    • transfer(address, uint256): Transfers tokens from the sender’s address to the specified recipient.
    • transferFrom(address, address, uint256): Transfers tokens on behalf of another address (after approval).
    • approve(address, uint256): Approves another address to spend tokens on behalf of the sender.
    • allowance(address, address): Returns the amount of tokens an approved spender can withdraw from a specific address.
  4. Token Transfer: Users interact with the token smart contract by calling its functions. For example, to transfer tokens, a user invokes the transfer function, providing the recipient’s address and the amount of tokens to be transferred. The smart contract validates the transaction and updates the token balances accordingly.
  5. Approval Mechanism: To enable token transfers on behalf of another address, users must first approve the spender by calling the approve function. This approval mechanism prevents unauthorized spending of tokens and ensures secure and controlled token transfers.
  6. Event Logging: The ERC-20 standard requires token smart contracts to trigger events when certain actions occur, such as token transfers. These events provide a log of token-related activities on the blockchain and allow external applications to monitor and react to token movements.
  7. Token Integration: Once the token smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, ERC-20 tokens can be integrated into wallets, exchanges, and decentralized applications that support the standard. Users can view their token balances, send and receive tokens, and interact with token-based services using compatible interfaces.

Top and popular ERC 20 token

  1. Tether (USDT):
    • Tether is a stablecoin pegged to the value of the US dollar, designed to maintain a 1:1 ratio with USD. It is widely used for trading and transferring value on various cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms, providing stability amidst the volatility of the crypto market.
  2. Chainlink (LINK):
    • Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that enables smart contracts to securely interact with external data sources. LINK is used to pay for services on the Chainlink network, and its utility has contributed to its widespread adoption and use in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.
  3. Uniswap (UNI):
    • Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to trade ERC-20 tokens directly from their wallets. UNI is the governance token of the Uniswap protocol, enabling holders to participate in decision-making processes and earn rewards through liquidity provision.
  4. Wrapped Ether (WETH):
    • Wrapped Ether is an ERC-20 token that represents Ethereum (ETH) on the Ethereum blockchain. It facilitates the seamless integration of ETH with decentralized applications and protocols, enabling ETH to be traded and utilized within the ERC-20 ecosystem.
  5. USD Coin (USDC):
    • USD Coin is a stablecoin backed by the US dollar on a 1:1 basis, providing users with a reliable and transparent digital dollar asset. USDC is widely used for remittances, trading, and as a store of value within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  6. MakerDAO (MKR):
    • MakerDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that governs the Maker protocol, which enables the creation of the stablecoin Dai (DAI). MKR is the governance token of the MakerDAO ecosystem, allowing holders to participate in protocol governance and stability mechanisms.
  7. Aave (AAVE):
    • Aave is a decentralized lending protocol that enables users to lend and borrow a variety of cryptocurrencies. AAVE is the native token of the Aave protocol, providing holders with governance rights and incentives for participating in the ecosystem.
  8. Compound (COMP):
    • Compound is a decentralized lending platform that allows users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings and borrow assets against collateral. COMP is the governance token of the Compound protocol, enabling holders to vote on protocol changes and earn rewards through liquidity mining.
